Written in free verse, this young adult novel deals with the lives of identical twin sisters Kaeleigh and Raeanne. On the surface they have the perfect life with their father who is a judge and their politician mother. Underneath appearances lurks an unimaginable horror. Kaeleigh has been sexually abused by her father with Raeanne witnessing it all from her bed. Both sisters have secrets that they want to keep hidden.
There was also an accident that created a rift between the twins' parents.
There's a lot going on in this book. From incest to alcohol abuse to mental illness, it was a lot to take in. There were many times while reading where I got painfully uncomfortable. Particularly the scenes of Ray molesting Kaeleigh. Also the fact that Raeanne secretly wished it was her in her sister's place. The imagery is vivid and the descriptions are so detailed. The plot twist was shocking although when you go back, there's things that foreshadow it. I appreciate that Ellen Hopkins delved into subjects that are usually shied away from. Because of the subject matter, Identical isn't an enjoyable or easy read but it is thought-provoking.
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