My skin gets dry patches because of eczema. I also have acne. It often makes me feel insecure. There are times when I don't want to look in the mirror. But I've learned not to let my skin conditions determine my self-worth. Everyone has imperfections. Whether they choose to reveal or hide them. The world places such importance on the superficial. If there's a spot on your face or if you've gained a few pounds, you're judged based on that. People have become addicted to the high that a social media like can bring. When they post a picture of themselves and it gets just one or two likes, it can make them question their beauty or make them think they have to change themselves. When has our value as human beings become equal to the number of Instagram likes, comments and follower counts we have? It's incredibly sad. Your skin is beautiful as it is. It doesn't need to be blemish-free. Imperfections are what makes you beautiful.