This is the story of June, a girl who lives with her father, stepmother and stepsister. When her father is working, her stepmother relentlessly taunts her and force-feeds her. She and her daughter make June feel miserable. All the while, June's father is oblivious. He doesn't see her suffering or he chooses not to see. June feels trapped and wants to spread her broken wings and fly. At school June is bullied by the other students. She's the only student of colour at a predominantly white school. They treat her in such a cruel manner and the teachers don't see. June doesn't tell them about what they do to her or about how difficult life is at home. She is afraid of not being believed. A ray of sun shines through when she meets a boy called Blister. He is kind and doesn't see the colour of her skin. He sees her as a human being with a heart and accepts her whole-heartedly. Blister and his family love June completely and unconditionally. They show her...