The Fault in Our Stars is a beautiful, heartbreaking and timeless story. Hazel and Gus are there for one another through every ordeal. They support each other through their illnesses and their love story is so real. Filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. They're aware of how short their time is, but it doesn't stop them from living and loving. Hazel feels like she's a grenade. She could obliterate everyone in her wake. But Augustus wants her to open her heart and let him in. He is a lovely character who would do anything for his loved ones. Hazel and Augustus are so sweet together. They both learn and grow throughout the story. The Fault in Our Stars inspires me in so many ways. I've learned that we can't take a single moment for granted. Because life is short and every day needs to be lived to the fullest. Here are a few of the profound quotes from the novel: "That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt." "You don't ...