The Gated community is a place of peace and harmony, where the members live serenely - on the outside. However, there is something dark and sinister lurking behind the gates. Lyla and her family have followed their leader, Pioneer, since joining the community. Pioneer appears to be a charismatic man who only wants the best for all his members. But after Lyla meets Cody, an outsider, she starts having doubts. Does Pioneer truly care for the community or is he driven by more selfish motives?
This novel sent chills down my spine. Reading about life in a cult-like atmosphere makes one realise that cults have just as much power over their members today as they did in the past. People like Pioneer still exist and manipulate without batting an eye. The scariest part is that Pioneer is an ordinary man. He's not a horror movie monster with fangs. He could be anyone walking down the street. And that is what's so unsettling and disturbing. Pioneer's actions and psychological games are so atrocious that 'Gated' felt like a horror movie.
Cults are fascinating because it makes you wonder how one person can have so much influence on others. That people can follow someone so blindly, putting all their trust in them. I mean, the leader is human just like them, so how can he or she overpower them to the point where they will jump into a burning flame if that person told them it could save their lives? They exploit people's heartbreak and weaknesses and lure them into a dark web from which they are held captive. And they often quote the bible as a way of making people trust them. It is a part of their manipulation. The tactics of cult leaders are similar to the devil's. He knows everyone's weaknesses and preys on them, using smooth talk to lure people in.
Gated is a suspense-filled psychological thriller that is nail-biting and is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. It's also an examination of good and evil and the line between the two. Is it just black and white, or are there grey areas in between?
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