Die trein kaartjie. Dis al waaraan sy kan dink. Die trein kaartjie; dis haar sleutel tot vryheid. Tot asemhaling, ja dit sal haar longe weer lug laat proe. Binne haar handsak – die glinsterende bottelgroen een wat sy verafsku, die een wat hy vir haar as geskenk vir hulle eerste huweliksherdenking gegee het (nie noodwendig oor die kleur, of die gehalte, of die prys nie, maar eerder oor die sentiment wat daaragter skuil) – tussen die voue, lê die vierkantige papiertjie. Sy vroetel met haar vingers binne in die bottelgroen mond, haar hand Jona en die 'geliefkoosde' handsak die vis. Uiteindelik voel sy die kaartjie– dit was darem nie ingesluk en weggevoer nie. En blaas saggies uit. Die agterkant van haar skedel raak aan die koel muur. Daar's niemand langs haar nie. Haar oë gaan toe en prentjiemooi beelde van 'n paradys neem haar verstand oor. Alleen lê sy op 'n goue strand, geniet die ligte somer briesie oor haar vel. Sal iemand haar as mal beskou indien sy nou '...
The Plot The Twin, written by Natasha Preston is a psychological thriller/suspense young adult novel which centres around identical twin sisters Iris and Ivy. They have been separated for six years because of their parents' divorce. Ivy, the more studious and reserved one has lived with her dad, while Iris, the popular, more outgoing twin lived with their mother. Tragically, their mom died while out on her routine jog and so Iris returns to live with her sister and father. It's a huge adjustment for each of them but Ivy and her dad try to make Iris feel as at home as they can. Ivy is perplexed by Iris' nonchalant attitude regarding their mom's death. She evades talk of the subject, seeming more interested in the details of Ivy's life and what her new high school will be like. It seems to Ivy as though Iris is taking over her whole life. But she pins it down to Iris trying to adjust to her new life as well as grief. Her twin couldn't possibly be hidi...